APO Connect Launches

The APO (Administrative Professional Officer) Committee is excited to launch the APO Connect site, the network for 500+ APOs to share and find APOs' expertise across University of Alberta Campuses.

APO Connect is a password-protected internal networking tool that allows members of the APO community to create a more extended personal profile than their Find-a-Person entry, including detailing specific skillsets based on their experiences managing various functions at the U of A, ability to share profiles via email and social media, adding APO colleagues as connections, and seeing other APOs you may know based on your connections.

APO Connect was created based on feedback over the past three years from APOs across the U of A asking for a better way to privately network with other APOs and to provide informal mentorship and guidance to new APOs.

Please visit APO Connect at:

Feedback welcome at:

We look forward to seeing you in APO Connect!


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